Display and Modify Resource Details

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TSO Editor allows you to display and modify details associated with an existent resource.



Cautions and warnings


To display or modify details associated with an existent resource, an resource must exist previously in an opened TSO File. See "Add a Resource" in order to create a new resource.


Mandatory fields ("Display and Modify Resource Details screen"):






Resource ID

Transversal to all tabs. 





- Beginning -


To begin this operation you must be in the "Main screen".

To go to this screen click on the tab "TSO Files" in the horizontal bar at the left (if isn't selected yet) or you can go to the tab "Editor" in the horizontal bar at the right, click the button "Edit/Delete Item in the TSO" and click in the map icon associated with the resource. 



- Operations -




In the tree view, you must click with the left mouse button in the Resource (sub-item of Resources) you want to edit.


In the tree view, the resource to edit has sub-items. If you click in the sub-items instead of the resource you can edit more specific fields such as geometry points and areas.



The "Display and Modify Resource Details screen" pop-up will open.

This pop-up displays a set of tabs that correspond to different sections of data.



Edit the data of the resource.


Some fields are mandatory.
Some fields are associated with a data dictionary.



Click on the button "Ok"



- Expected results -


You should be able to view all data inserted when this resource was created or edited.

If any data of the resource is successfully edit and submitted in the system, it should appear in the next time you display the detail of this resource.


Probable errors and possible causes


If any of the mandatory fields is not filled, when you try to submit, the pop-up window reloads with the information about the mandatory field not filled. You have to fill all mandatory fields and click the button "Ok" again.