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The TSO Editor has been developed in the scope of OASIS (Open Advanced System for dISaster and emergency management) project.


TSO Editor is an open-source web based application that allows creating, displaying and editing Tactic Situation Objects (TSOs). It is fully visual, allowing the user to build/change/display a tactical situation in a visual manner. All its functionalities are able to be performed, if necessary, without a working link to the operational OASIS nodes (instances) and by entities without access to operational OASIS nodes (instances). Meaning that it can receive a TSO file, for instance, by -email , and without connection to the OASIS, display a given tactical situation.Moreover, it allows the creation from scratch of a tactical situation to be placed into a TSO File. The edition and the update of an existent TSO file is also possible.




The TSO Editor is an open source tool which is being released with the GPL license version 2.


In general terms, this license means that the source code of the TSO Editor is available and that it is possible to use that source code to create new products as long as that new product is also released with the same GPL license (this means that derivate products cannot be redistributed as proprietary software. They have to be redistributed with a GPL license). More details are available in:



TSO Editor User Manual


This manual is addressed to TSO Editor users. It is intended to be used as a guideline to the beginner and as a reference manual to the experienced user.



TSO Editor User Manual Overview:


The TSO Editor User Manual is divided in five parts: Introduction, TSO Editor Overview, General, TSO Editor User Reference Guide and Appendixes.


In the Introduction part, the application TSO Editor and the TSO Editor User Guide are introduced to the reader.


In the Overview part, which contains the following topics:
TSO Overview, where a synopsis about the Tactical Situation Object is described.
TSO Editor Overview, where a synopsis of the functionalities of TSO Editor is presented.


In the General part, some general aspects of TSO Editor are explained. This part of the manual contains the following topics:
Before using the TSO Editor, where the configuration requirements to use the application are described;
Login in TSO Editor, where it is explained the steps to log in into the application;
TSO Editor General features, where some features that are transversal in the application are explained;


In the TSO Editor User Reference Guide part, are described, step by step, tasks that can be performed in TSO Editor. These tasks are divided by TSO Editor section. In the end of this part, there are presented the images of the application screens related to the described tasks.


In the Appendixes part, there are the Detailed Information and Data Dictionary with the information, divided by TSO Editor section, concerning fields that are displayed by the application while performing the described tasks and the F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions), with some additional information in order to clarify the user in some potential doubts.




When items that are visible in the editor (e.g. field names, windows/screens names or titles, links labels, tabs names) are referred they are presented in inverted commas. For instance: '... in the tab "TSO Files" it is displayed ...'
When it is used the expression 'he' referring to the user, it is meant 'he/she'.



Procedure to report issues concerning the TSO Editor application


There are two types of communication that can be used to the owners of the TSO Editor application: a Problem Report and an Improvement Request. You should send a Problem Report when you have detected an error in the application. You should send an Improvement Request when you want to submit a request to change, improve or add some behaviour or functionality to the TSO Editor application.

In order to inform the owners of the TSO Editor application about an issue regarding the TSO Editor application you must send an e-mail to Then, when writing the e-mail, you must send as many information as you can about the issue, including:


Operating System used (Windows XP, Mac OS, Linux, etc.) and version
Web browser used (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and version
A screenshot of the problem
If available to you, a copy of the error_log file
A detailed description of the problem