Military data dictionary

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Air defence action area

An air defence operations area and the airspace above it where air defence procedures are specified.


Air defence identification zone

Airspace within which ready identification, location, and control of airborne vehicles are required.


Advisory route

A designated route along which air traffic advisory service is available.


Aim point

The point to which a weapon is targeted.


Airspace coordination area

A three-dimensional block of airspace in a target area, established by the appropriate ground commander, in which friendly aircraft are reasonably safe from friendly surface fire.  The ACA may be formal or informal.


Airspace control subarea/sector

Sub-element of an airspace control area, established to facilitate the control of the overall area.


Airborne early warning area

Airspace established specifically for airborne platforms conducting early warning.



A designated area in a hostile or threatened territory which, when seized and held, ensures the continuous air landing of troops and material and provides manoeuvre space for operations.


Air-to-air refuelling area

Airspace of defined dimensions set aside for air-to-air refuelling operations, excluding special operation forces air-to-air missions.


Air route

Established to route non-operational and operational support traffic through air defences in the rear area.


Air traffic services route

A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services (ATS).


Altitude reservation area

Block of altitude reserved for aircraft to transit or loiter.


Alternate supply route

A route or routes designated within an area of operations to provide for the movement of traffic when main supply routes become disabled or congested.


Amphibious defence zone

Area encompassing the amphibious objective area and adjoining airspace as required for the accompanying naval force.


Amphibious operation area

An area location that is the part of the objective area within which are conducted the landing operations of an amphibious force. It includes the beach, the approaches to the beach, the transport areas, the fire support areas, the air occupied by close supporting aircrafts and the land included in the advance inland to the initial objective.


Amphibious objective area

Geographic area delineated for the purpose of command and control within which is located the objective(s) to be secured by the amphibious task force.


Area of coverage

The summation of geographical areas under surveillance or protected by supporting fire.


Artillery area

An area location assigned to artillery units for terrain management purposes on which the artillery manoeuvres..


Area smoke target

Area in which fires with smoke bombs or rockets degrade temporarily the capability of enemy forces to see within.


Assault Position

That position between the line of departure (LD) and the objective in an attack from which forces assault the objective.  Ideally, it is the last covered and concealed position before reaching the objective.


Attack by fire position

An area against which fire is employed to destroy the enemy from a distance, normally used when the mission does not dictate or support occupation of the objective.


Axis of advance

A general area through which the bulk of a units combat power must move to draw the enemies attention away from the location of the commanders decisive operation.  Forces conducting a feint make direct fire contact with the enemy.


Base defence zone

A zone established around airbases to enhance the effectiveness of local ground based air defence systems.



A designated area on a hostile shore which, when seized and held, ensures the continuous landing of troops and materiel, and provides manoeuvre space requisite for subsequent projected operations ashore. It is the physical objective of an amphibious operation.


Bearing line

No definition given



An area location held or to be gained on the enemys side of a water obstacle.  ArmyIn river-crossing operations, an area on the enemys side of the water obstacle that is large enough to accommodate the majority of the crossing force and that has adequate terrain to permit defence of the crossing sites, and that provides a base for continuing the attack.


Buffer zone

Airspace designed specifically to provide a buffer between various airspace control measures.


Bull's - eye

A reference point from which bearing and distance are given.


Coordination fire line

A line beyond which conventional surface fire support may fire at any time within the area of operations of the establishing headquarters without additional co-ordination. NOTE Also known as Coordinated fire line.


Class-A airspace

An airspace in which only instrument flight rule flights are permitted; all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other.


Class-B airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule and visual flight rule flights are permitted; all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other.


Class-C airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule and visual flight rule flights are permitted; all flights are subject to air traffic control service and instrument flight rule flights are separated from other instrument flight rule flights and from visual flight rule flights.  Visual flight rule flights are separated from instrument flight rule flights and receive traffic information in respect to other visual flight rule flights.


Class-D airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule and visual flight rule flights are permitted; all flights are subject to air traffic control service and instrument flight rule flights are separated from other instrument flight rule flights and receive traffic information in respect to visual flight rule flights.  Visual flight rule flights receive traffic information in respect to all other flights.


Class-E airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule flights and visual flight rule flights are permitted; all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from other instrument flight rule flights.  All flights receive traffic information as far as practical.


Class-F airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule and visual flight rule flights are permitted; all participating instrument flight rule flights receive an air traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight information service if requested.


Class-G airspace

An airspace in which instrument flight rule and visual flights are permitted; all flights receive flight information service if requested.


Close air support holding area

Airspace designed for holding orbit and used by rotary and fixed-winged aircraft in close proximity to friendly forces.


Contact point, air

A point that identifies the position at which a mission leader makes radio contact with an air control agency.  Note:  A point used for control purposes in air-to-air refueling and close air support missions.


Concentration area

An area, usually in the theatre of operations, where troops are assembled before beginning active operations.


Conditional route

A non-permanent air traffic service route or portion thereof which can be planned and used only under certain conditions.


Coordinated air defence area

A mutually defined block of airspace between land-based air commander and a naval commander when their forces are operating in close proximity to one another.


Coordination level

A procedural method to separate fixed and rotary wing aircraft by determining an altitude below which fixed wing aircraft normally will not fly.


Carrier control zone

Area around a ship operating fixed/rotary wing aircraft.


Coordinating altitude

A procedural airspace control method to separate fixed-and rotary-wing aircraft by determining an altitude below which fixed-wing aircraft will normally not fly and above which rotary-wing aircraft normally will not fly. The coordinating altitude is normally specified in the airspace control plan and may include a buffer zone for small altitude deviations.


Crossover zone

Airspace beyond the missile engagement zone into which fighters may pursue targets to complete interception.


Direction of attack

A specific direction or assigned route a force must use to draw the enemies attention away from the location of the commanders decisive operation.  Forces conducting a feint make direct fire contact with the enemy.


Defensive position

An area location that is designed to prevent the advance of the enemy (normally occupied by a unit).


Defence zone

The area extending from the forward edge of the battle area to its rear boundary.


Downed aircrew pickup point

A point to where aviators will attempt to evade and escape to be recovered by friendly forces.


Deep battle synchronization line

The forward boundary of the ground component commander's (GCC) area of operation.  The DBSL defines the geographic areas of responsibility of the GCC and air component commander.


Electronic combat area

Airspace established specifically for airborne platforms engaging in electronic combat.



An area location to indicate the loss of freedom of manoeuvre to one force resulting from an enemy forces control of all routes of egress and reinforcement.


End aerial refuelling point

A point location that identifies the point that marks the end of a straight-line segment along which a tanker aircraft offloads fuel to a receiving aircraft.


Engineer regulating point

Checkpoint to ensure that vehicles do not exceed the capacity of the crossing means and to give drivers final instructions on site-specific procedures and information, such as speed and vehicle interval.


Falcon radials area

Planned magnetic bearings along which aircraft depart and return to ships.


Forward combat zone

An area location compromising the territory forward of the corps rear boundary.


Forward edge of the battle area

The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat units are deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces are operating, designated to coordinate fire support, the positioning of forces, or the manoeuvre or units.


Final approach fix

[No definition]


Fire position area

The specific location within an Artillery area from which a fire unit delivers fire.


Fire umbrella

The airspace over a naval force at sea within the fire of ships' anti-aircraft weapons can endanger aircraft, and within which special procedures are established for identification and operation of friendly aircraft.


Flight information region

An airspace of defined dimensions within which flight information service and alerting service are provided.


Forward line of troops

A line that indicates the most forward positions of forces in any kind of military operation at a specific time.  It normally identifies the forward location of covering and screening forces. ArmyThe FLOT may be at, beyond, or short of the FEBA.


Final coordination line

A line close to the enemy position used to coordinate the lifting and/or shifting of supporting fires with the final deployment of manoeuvre elements.  It should be recognizable on the ground.  It is not a fire support coordination measure.


Final protective fire

An area against which an immediately available prearranged barrier of fire to provide close protection to positions and installations and is designed to impede enemy movement.


Force air coordination area

An area surrounding a force within which air coordination measures are required to prevent mutual interference between all friendly surface and air units and their weapon systems.


Forward operating location

An advanced position, usually of a temporary nature, from which air or ground units operate.


Free fire area

A specific designated area into which any weapon system may fire without additional coordination with the establishing headquarters.  Normally, it is established on identifiable terrain by division or higher headquarters.


Fire-support coordination line

Designated by a line extending across the assigned areas of the establishing headquarters.  NOTE:  Designated by a line extending across the assigned areas of the establishing headquarters.  The indicator of the establishing headquarters is shown after the letters FSCL.


Forming up place

The last position occupied by the assault echelon before crossing the start line/line of departure.  Also called attack position.


Forward area air defence zone

A specifically defined air space in the combat zone for which air defence must be planned and provided.


High altitude missile engagement zone

A zone location that identifies the airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with high-altitude surface-to-air missiles.


High density airspace control zone

Airspace designated in an airspace control plan or airspace control order in which there is a concentrated employment of numerous and varied weapons and airspace users.  A high-density airspace control zone has defined dimensions that usually coincide with geographical features or navigational aids.  Access to a high-density airspace control zone is normally controlled by the manoeuvre commander.  The manoeuvre commander can also direct a more restrictive weapons status within the high-density airspace control zone.



An area in which a force conceals itself before operations or before moving into battle position.


Hand over gate

A point at which the control of the aircraft, if radar hand over is used, changes from one controller to another.


Identification safety point

A point at which aircraft, on joining a maritime force, will attempt to establish two-way communications with the surface force and commence identification procedures.


Identification Friend Foe switch off line

Line demarking where friendly aircraft enroute to targets stop emitting an Identification-Friend-Foe signal.


Identification Friend Foe switch on line

Line demarking where friendly aircraft returning to friendly territory start emitting an Identification-Friend-Foe signal.


Infiltration line

An infiltration lane is a control measure that fixes fire planning responsibilities and coordinates forward and lateral movement of infiltrating units.


Initial approach fix

[No definition given]


Intermediate objective

An area or feature between the line of departure and an objective that must be seized and/or held.


Identification safety range

Minimum range to which an aircraft may close to a maritime force without having been positively identified as friendly.


Joint engagement zone

In air defence, that airspace of defined dimensions within which multiple air defence systems (surface-to-air missiles and aircraft) are simultaneously employed to engage air threats.


Key terrain

Any locality, or area, the seizure of which affords a marked advantage to either combatant.


Kill box

A volume of airspace where fighter aircraft operate in a weapons free mode and can use their weapons in beyond line of sight operations.


Killing area

A zone in which a commander plans to force the enemy to concentrate so as to destroy him.


Low altitude missile engagement zone

A zone location that identifies that airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with low to medium altitude surface-to-air missiles.


Lateral route

A line location that indicates a route generally parallel to the forward edge of the battle area, which crosses, or feeds into axial routes.


Light line

A designated phase line forward of which vehicles are required to use black-out lights at night.


Limit of advance

An easily recognizable point location beyond which attacking elements will not advance.


Linear target

A target that is linear in nature, for example a vehicle convoy.


Low level transit route

A temporary corridor of defined dimensions established in the forward area to minimize the risk to friendly aircraft from friendly air defences or surface forces.


Land fighter engagement zone

Airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with a fighter aircraft.


Linkup point

A point location with an easily recognizable point location on the ground where two forces conducting a linkup meet.  When one force is stationary, linkup points normally are established where the moving forces routes of advance intersect the stationary forces security elements.  Linkup points for two moving forces are established on boundaries where the two forces are expected to converge.


Land missile engagement zone

Airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with the surface based air defence system.


Linear smoke target

A line along which fires with smoke bombs or rockets degrade temporarily the capability of enemy forces to see through.


Line of advance

A general trace delineating the location where two opposing forces are engaged.


Line of contact

The designation of forward friendly positions as the LD when opposing forces are in contact.


Line of departure, land

A line designated to coordinate the departure of attack elements (commitment of attacking units or scouting elements at a specific time).


Line of departure, sea

A suitably marked offshore coordinating line to assist assault craft to land on designated beaches at scheduled times.


Logical network

A chain of interconnecting communications elements logically designed to function in a specified manner.


Logical node

A point location that participates as a logical element in a communications network.


Left radial line

A line drawn between points identified from the left side from the cloud top height, cloud bottom height and 2/3-stem height on the fallout vector plot.


Missile engagement zone, general

In air defence, that airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with short-range air defence weapons.  It may be established within a low or high altitude missile engagement.


Military operations area

Airspace established outside class "A" airspace to separate or segregate certain non-hazardous military activities from instrument flight rule traffic and to identify for visual flight rule traffic where these activities are conducted.


Minimum safe distance 1

The minimum safe distance for warned, protected personnel measured to the nearest 100 metres from the planned ground zero.


Minimum safe distance 2

The minimum safe distance for warned, exposed personnel measured to the nearest 100 metres from the planned ground zero.


Minimum safe distance 3

The minimum safe distance for unwarned, exposed personnel measured to the nearest 100 metres from the planned ground zero.


Maritime fighter engagement zone

The airspace beyond the crossover zone out to limits defined by the officer in tactical command, in which fighters have freedom of action to identify and engage air targets.


Maritime missile engagement zone

A designated airspace in which, under weapons control status weapons free, ships are automatically cleared to fire at any target which penetrates the zone, unless known to be friendly, adhering to airspace control procedures or unless otherwise directed by the anti-air warfare commander.


Minimum risk route

A temporary corridor of defined dimensions recommended for use by high-speed, fixed-wing aircraft that presents the minimum known hazards to low-flying aircraft transiting the combat zone. ArmyAn MRR is a temporary flight route recommended for USAF use.  It presents the minimum known hazards to low-flying aircraft in the control zone (CZ).  The MRR must be approved by the airspace control authority and avoids fire support targets such as air defence weapons, landing zones, pick-up zones, FARPs, and Army airfields.


Marshalling gate

A point to which aircraft fly for air traffic purposes prior to commencing an outbound transit after takeoff or prior to landing.


Missile arc

An area of 10-degrees or as large as ordered by the officer-in-actual command, centred on the bearing of the target with a range that extends to the maximum range of the surface-to-air missile.


Named area of interest

A point or area along a particular avenue of approach through which enemy activity is expected to occur.  Activity or lack of activity within an NAI will help to confirm or deny a particular enemy course of action.


Nuclear target

No definition given


Obstacle free area

An area the commander designates as restricted from the emplacement of man-made obstacles, normally to facilitate future operations.


Objective area

A defined area within which is located an objective to be captured or reached by the military forces.


Obstacle restricted area

A command and control measure used to limit the type or number of obstacles within an area.


Obstacle belt

Normally, a brigade-level obstacle control measure that specifies the intent and location of subordinate obstacles.  It also supports the intent of the higher headquarters obstacle zone.


Obstacle gap

An area within a minefield or obstacle belt, free of live mines or obstacles, whose width and direction will allow a friendly force to pass through in tactical formation.


Obstacle lane

A route through an enemy or friendly obstacle that provides a passing force safe passage.  The route may be reduced and proofed as part of a breach operation, or constructed as part of a friendly obstacle.  A clear route through an obstacle.


Obstacle line

A single line of natural or man made obstacles.


Obstacle zone

A division-level command and control measure, normally done graphically, to designate specific land areas where lower echelons are allowed to employ tactical obstacles.


Phase line

A line used for control and coordination of military operations, usually a terrain feature extending across the zone of action.  ArmyA line used for control and coordination of military operations.  It is usually along a recognizable terrain feature extending across the sector or zone of action.


Positive identification radar advisory zone

An area within which navy ships separate friendly from hostile aircraft.


Penetration box

No definition given


Pop-up point

The location at which aircraft quickly gain altitude for target acquisition and engagement.


Predicted impact point

The point at which a projectile, bomb or re-entry vehicle is expected to strike on earth.


Rear boundary of the forward area

A line delineating the rear of an area in proximity to combat.


Rear combat zone

An area location usually compromising the territory between the corps rear boundary and the army group rear boundary.


Reduced co-ordination airspace

A portion of defined dimensions within which general air traffic (GAT) is permitted "off-route" without requiring GAT controllers to initiate co-ordination with operational air traffic (OAT) controllers.


Release line

Phase line used in river-crossing operations that delineates a change in the headquarters controlling movement.


Release point

A well-defined point on a route at which the elements composing a column return under the authority of their respective commanders, each one of these elements continuing its movement toward its own appropriate destination.


Return to force route

Planned route profiles for use by friendly aircraft returning to an aircraft-capable ship.


Restricted fire line

A line established between converging friendly forces (one or both may be moving) that prohibits fires or effects from fires across the line without coordination with the affected force.  It is established by the commander of the converging forces.


Reconnaissance and interdiction planning line

A line location to divide responsibility for the nomination of ground targets.  Short of the RIPL the ground commander has this responsibility for nominating targets that have a direct bearing on the land battle.  Beyond this, the targeting authority lies with the Air Commander.


Release other than attack (ROTA) isolation and hazard area

The predicted or confirmed contour of the toxic industrial material isolation and hazard area.


Right radial line

A line drawn between points identified from the right side from the cloud top height, cloud bottom height and 2/3-stem height on the fallout vector plot.


Restricted fire area

An area in which specific restrictions are imposed and into which fires that exceed those restrictions may not be delivered without prior coordination with the establishing headquarters.


Restricted operations area

Airspace designated by the airspace control authority, in response to specific operational situations/requirements within which the operation of one or more airspace users is restricted.


Restricted operations zone

A volume of airspace of defined dimensions designated for a specific operational mission.  Entry into that zone is authorized only by the originating headquarters.


Safe lane

A bi-directional lane connecting an airbase, landing site and/or base defence zone to adjacent routes/corridors.  Safe lanes may also be used to connect adjacent activated routes/corridors.


Safe area for evasion

Designated area in hostile territory that offers the evader or escapee a reasonable chance of avoiding capture and of surviving until he can be evacuated.



Outline of an object in the horizontal plane.


Ship control zone

An area activated around a ship operating aircraft, which is not to be entered by friendly aircraft without permission, in order to prevent friendly interference.


Special electronic mission area

Airspace established specifically for airborne platforms conducting special electronic missions.


Special operations forces airspace

Airspace specifically for special operations forces missions requested by special operations forces airspace planners.


Support by fire position

An area by which a manoeuvre element moves to a position in the battle space where it can engage the enemy by direct fire.  The manoeuvre element does not attempt to manoeuvre to capture enemy forces or terrain.


Short range air defence engagement zone

Airspace within which the responsibility for engagement of air-threats normally rests with short-range air defence weapons.


Surface-to-surface missile system area

Airspace defined specifically for army tactical missile system and tomahawk land attack missile launch and impact points.


Staging area

A CONTROL-FEATURE-TYPE that is a general locality established for the concentration of organisations and transient persons between movements over the lines of communications.


Standard-use army aircraft flight route

Routes that are established below the coordinating altitude to facilitate the movement of Army aviation assets.  Normally, these routes are located in the corps through brigade rear area of operations.


Targeted area of interest

An area or point location along a mobility corridor the successful interdiction of which will cause an enemy to either abandon a particular course of action or require him to use specialized engineer support to continue and where he can be acquired and engaged by friendly forces.


Target reference point

An easily recognizable point location on the ground (either natural or man-made) used to initiate, distribute, and control fires.  TRPs can also designate the centre of an area where the commander plans to distribute or converge the fires of all his weapons rapidly.  They are used by task force and below, and can further delineate sectors of fire within an engagement area.  TRPs are designated using the standard target symbol and numbers issued by the fire support officer.  Once designated, TRPs also constitute indirect fire targets.


Terminal control area

A control area normally established at the confluence of air traffic services routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.


Terminal radar service area

Airspace surrounding designated airports wherein air traffic control provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full-time basis for all instrument flight rule and participating visual flight rule aircraft.


Traverse level

That vertical displacement above low level air defence systems, expressed both as a height and altitude, at which aircraft can cross that area in order to improve the effectiveness of the air defence systems by providing an extra friendly discriminator.


Warning area

Airspace extending from 3 nautical miles outward from the coast of the continental (us) that contains activity that may be hazardous to non-participating aircraft.


Way point

In air operations, a point or a series of points in space to which an aircraft may be vectored.  ArmyA designated point or series of points loaded and stored in a GPS device to facilitate movement.


Weapon control sector

The sector in which a specified weapon control status is imposed.  The sector is characterised as a plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle and the arc between them.  The sector may be truncated from the vertex by a second sector.


Weapons free zone

An air defence zone (ADZ) established around key assets or facilities which merit special protection by ground based air defence assets, other than airbases, where weapons may be fired at any target not positively identified as friendly.


Zone of fire

An area into which a designated ground unit or fire support ship delivers, or is prepared to deliver, fire support.


Zone I

The distance in kilometers from Ground Zero (GZ) calculated on the basis of the weapon size and downwind speed.  Boundary on Zone 1 is determined by drawing 2 lines tangent to the cloud radius circle and intersecting the points on the radial lines where the Zone 1 downwind distance arc intersects these lines.


Zone II

Zone 2 is a secondary hazard zone whose boundaries are determined by the Zone 1 downwind distance arc, the Zone 2 distance arc and the 2 radial lines.